
RF901 & RF902


Bismaleimides resins made from bio-based
Swancor Bismaleimides resins made from bio-based offer two product specifications with bio-content of 42% and 67% according to ASTM D6866-22.
The self-cured thermoset with 42% bio-content performs Dk=2.54 and Df =0.0044 at 10 GHz, and Tg measured by DMA is about 188 ℃.
The self-cured thermoset with 67% bio-content performs Dk=2.22 and Df =0.0027 at 10 GHz, and Tg measured by DMA is about 91℃.
The material can be used as a low dielectric constant co-curing additive, and performs good flexibility after self-curing, to improve the toughness of materials in CCL and RCC.
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Sample Biobased Carbon Content (wt%) Dk/Df
(10 GHz)
Tg (°C) Td (°C) Char yield (%) Viscosity
(cps, 50 °C)
Solid Content (wt%) Solvent
RF901 42 2.54/0.0044 114 398 4.54 900 60 DMAc
RF902 67 2.22/0.0027 54 408 2.88 1,900 60 DMAc