SWANCOR Netherlands B.V. Establishment
October 15,2024

Swancor Netherlands B.V. was invited to The Red Carpet Dinner, which has been one of the most important networking events for international companies in the Rotterdam region. In 2022, Swancor decided to involve further in circularity and low carbon emission solutions and began considering opening an EU office. With the support of NFIA and Rotterdam Partners, our team visited several institutes and organizations over the past two years, and eventually chose Rotterdam to be the first business location in Europe. As 2nd most sustainable city in the world, the sustainability efforts of Rotterdam have been recognized throughout the years in various reports and rankings. Arcadis’ Sustainable Cities Index 2024 ranks Rotterdam 2nd worldwide. Our team are thrilled for the starting point in Europe. Swancor will be a part of the future towards lower carbon emission, reduced waste, and sustainable resources!